Crystal Lake (815) 788-9511

Post-Bankruptcy Credit (Woodstock, IL )

Post-Bankruptcy Credit

Whether an individual files for bankruptcy under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, there are always concerns about how the bankruptcy will affect the individuals ability to obtain credit at the conclusion of the case.  Fortunately, most individuals who successfully complete their bankruptcy case are able to restore a good credit rating within a relatively short period of time.

We provide our clients with detailed instructions and tips that can be helpful in rebuilding their credit after bankruptcy.

If you would like to discuss any bankruptcy matter with a bankruptcy law firm in the Woodstock, IL area, please contact us online or call our firm at 815-788-9511 for your consultation! 

Contact Us

Law Office of Timothy Brown is committed assisting individuals in need of Debt Relief, Bankruptcy Litigation, Chapter 7, Chapter 13, Creditor Harassment Defense, Debt Collection Defense, and Foreclosure law issues in Illinois.

We will discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
